5 thoughts on “What if the ring can't be taken off?”

  1. 1. Rub it with bath gel (or a lubricant such as shampoo)

    2. Rotate the ring slowly and gradually toward the outer ring

    3. Most of them can be removed

    extended data

    select the ring surface according to the finger:

    1. The finger is short and small: it is best to match the pear shaped or oval ring surface, which will make you happy

    2. Diamond ring

    3. The fingers appear to be long, and the square ring face should be avoided

    4. The fingers are not full enough: you can choose the style that the circular ring face is set between the two rows of gold rings to make the fingers appear round

    5. Small and slender fingers: suitable for heart-shaped ring face

    6. Strong fingers: do not use heart-shaped ring face, the simpler the better

    reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia ring

  2. In fact, the method is very simple, only two things are needed: lubricant and thin thread. The lubricant can be hair conditioner, hand cream, lotion, etc. you can smear it all over your finger and slowly move the ring to make it rotate more on your finger. If you are lucky, the ring can be removed successfully

    if you can't take it off, lift your arm for a few minutes to let its blood flow slightly, and then put your hand in cold water for several minutes to take it out. Then thread the thin thread through the ring, wrap the finger joints with the thread, and then untie the thin thread from top to bottom, and the ring can slide down

    extended data

    pay attention to the size of wedding rings

    the standard of the size of the ring finger ring is called the hand inch, which is calculated by the number. There are Hong Kong style and American style, and Hong Kong style is mostly used in China

    most people's hand size is between 4 and 26. The most reliable measurement method is to ask the clerk of the jewelry store to measure for you two. You can also use the method published on the Internet to measure yourself: find a thin rope or paper strip, circle around the place where your finger will wear the ring, make a mark on the overlap of the rope or paper strip with a pen, and then measure its length with a ruler, and compare it with the hand size comparison table

    when buying a ring in winter, because the weather is cold, the finger is one to half size thinner than that in summer. If you want to get a more accurate size, you can measure it at the end of the day, because the size of the finger is the largest at this time


    can't the ring be taken off? Try this magic thin line people's network

  3. Believe me, if I can wear it, I can take it
    in the past, when I encountered this situation, I always asked the customer to straighten the finger of the ring, and then use my own index finger to hold the ring from bottom to top, and try to hold it up. This is because the lower part of the finger is smooth, and the ring cannot be removed because the skin on the finger is wrinkled, thus blocking the ring
    I used to work as a salesman in a jewelry store for five years. What I said above can be said to be my accumulated experience. I have never encountered a ring that can not be removed. Hope to help your friends

    you should relax your muscles when taking them, and you can also apply some hand moistening things. iask. sina/b/2354298? From = related

    the swelling degree of a person's hand is different at different times of the day. Don't try to remove it with force. If the hand is swollen, it won't be able to be removed. Rub it around the ring with oil, gently massage it, and shake it down bit by bit. Try it in the morning and evening, and remember to be light.
    method 1: treat the swelling of the hand quickly, and the ring will come down naturally after the swelling is removed.
    method 2: go to the place where the ring is made, Ask a master who knows how to open the ring

  4. If you can't take it down, don't hurry. Compared with the afternoon and evening, the finger ring in the morning is relatively small. You can try to take it at that time
    1, first rub with bath gel (or a lubricant such as shampoo)
    2. Slowly turn the ring and gradually turn it to the outer ring
    3. Usually, most of them can be removed.

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